Never in recent history has there been a year which has reminded us of how important personal health is, and the value of the Health Service we all rely on. There is an increased awareness of how individual health status impacts the immune system, susceptibility to ill health and recovery time, thus shaping the adoption of new health regimes, such as utilising personalised nutrition services, or opting to form sustainable, healthful habits such as dietary swaps.

Mental health has been brought to the forefront of conversation, with this dimension of health now very much viewed as important as physical health. With the removal of taboos in discussing mental health and emotional issues, new opportunities are opening up to food & drink producers to support consumers sense of well-being.
And with more people working from home than ever before, there has never been such a rapid pace of change to the humble packed lunch, food on the go and daily food choices.
We would like to invite you to our webinar on 27th January at 12.30pm, which will focus on the most influential healthy food & drink trends for 2021. The webinar will cover emerging and existing trends likely to impact the food and drinks industry over the coming year and beyond. We will draw on market analysis, insights, consumer habits & lifestyle, and how consumers focus has shifted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We will also explore the opportunities for food & drink producers.
This webinar is being delivered through Future Foods and AHFES. Future Foods is an exciting programme delivered by BIC In novation and Aberystwyth University, which aims to deliver world-class expertise in food science, technology and nutrition R&D to ambitious Welsh food and drink businesses seeking to develop healthy, market-creating products. This collaborative programme enables food and drink companies in Wales to improve their competitiveness and underpin future growth and sustainability.
The Atlantic Area Healthy Food Eco-Systems (AHFES), project exists to support SMEs in Wales, to successfully bring new innovative healthy food and drink products to market; thus boosting consumers options to make healthy changes to their diets and lifestyle. Funded by the European Union, under the Interreg programme, with support from the Welsh Government, the AHFES project will be offering free training and business support for Welsh SME’s in the Healthy Food & Drink Sector from late January 2021 until August 2022.