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Launch of the Low Carbohydrate Special Interest Group


Last month saw seven food producers come together for the launch of the Low Carbohydrate Special Interest Group discussing all things low carb, high fibre and good fat.

It is predicted that by 2025 more than five million people here in the UK will be suffering from diabetes if lifestyle changes aren’t made soon. Here in Wales, more than 194,000 people have diabetes and it is estimated that 90% of those suffering have Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes can be managed and, in some cases, reversed by changes to the diet and lifestyle.

Launched at the gloriously scenic Rhug Estate, it was discussed how Future Foods and NutriWales can support the research and development of low carbohydrate, high fibre and good fats foods across the bakery, ready meals, meat, dairy health and snacking sectors.

Eryl Vaughan, managing director of Low Carb Food Co. was amongst our attendees, told his story of using diet and change in lifestyle to manage his diabetes. Eryl continued to explain that over a four-year period, he has been able to go into remission and no longer takes regular medication for his diabetes, as taking control of his diet has allowed him to do this. Ever since, Eryl has made it his aim to establish a company that could supply customers with a range of low carb foods, making it simpler for them to be able to change their lifestyles for the better. Furthermore, Eryl is passionate about benefitting the Welsh economy, hence the importance of these producers being situated in Wales.

The interest in the low carbohydrate special interest group has expanded very quickly as a series of one-to-one meetings have taken place with producers, resulting in test development of low carbohydrate products.

We are very excited about the launch of this SIG, as we believe there is already an array of expertise here in Wales which can drive the low carbohydrate, high fibre and good fat agenda in the UK. In turn, this can support the aims of the Future Generations Act, by giving Welsh consumers food alternatives which can support a healthier lifestyle.

These exciting and encouraging developments and meetings will continue over the coming weeks and the Low Carb Special Interest Group will meet again in January 2020.

Are you interested in becoming a special interest group member? Get in involved in the conversation! Contact us for more information on how to join the interest group.



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